I decided to dust off my good old fender and release this amazing patch that I’ ve been working on for quite some time. This patch is a swiss army knife. Simply by tweaking the pickup selector switch, you can have a Tool , Stoner Rock rhythm type of tone, or a Nick Johnston , Wes Hauch, Jack Thammarat, Rick Graham type of spanky lead tone.

First Riff: Bridge Coil
Second Riff: Middle and Bridge Coil
Third Riff: Neck and Middle Coil
Fourth Riff: Neck Coil.

I am using a Fender Squier Bullet Strat loaded with Dimazrio Injectors (Neck , Bridge) and an Area 61(Middle)(Volume and Tone are on 10) (I am only switching pickups).

-This package includes one BIAS FX Patch.
-What you hear in these Demos is one centered guitar track. BIAS FX ONLY!
-My patches follow the K-14 standard.
-Visit the F.A.Q. section to learn how to import the patch to Bias FX.
-Contact Me to answer all your questions.
(I can reamp one of your DIs through this patch, in case you are hesitating).